The Grabbits

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Summer Games Puzzle #5

Wow. Summer is flying by! Hard to believe we’re officially halfway through our 10-week Summer Games. The prize this week is a lucky charm for your favorite bag. To play, download the puzzle below and email the decoded message to The Grabbits have tucked away 5 charms for the first five code-crackers to email the answer!

Want tips on how to decode a secret message? Check out the video below. Remember to fill in what you know from the Grey Bunny and to find the repeated glyphs first. What’s a glyph? A glyph is a pictograph that acts a symbol. These glyphs are symbols that stand for letters in our alphabet. For this puzzle, set the Grey Bunny to M to line up the glyphs with the letters they stand for in the code.

Need a decoder? Download the free packet and watch the how-to video below to make one!