The Grabbits

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Summer Games Decoder Puzzle #4

The Ten-Week Summer Games Series continues with Puzzle #4! The prize for this challenging puzzle is Winner’s Choice. The first 5 code crackers to email with the decoded message can pick their prize from any of the stickers or charms in the Grabbit Shop. No purchase necessary. Which prize will you choose?

To play, download the puzzle below and turn your Grabbit Secret Decoder so the Grey Bunny is set to Q. If you don’t have a Grabbit Secret Decoder, you can download the free decoder packet and watch the how-to video below. When you’ve decoded the secret message, email your answer to

(Psssst…don’t give the answer away by posting it on FB or Instagram.)

Yay! Let’s play!

Need a decoder? No sweat. You can download the packet below. It takes about 20 minutes to make. It might look complicated, but the how-to video shows how easy it is to cut it out and paste it together.